Jane Foster mugs, cups and glasses

Curated Collections

Jane Foster is quirky designer from Devon known for her bold and bright character artwork.  Jane has designed over forty mugs and glasses with MAKE International in her studio in Devon and has also collaborated on a haberdashery range and kitchen homewares. Jane’s collections, inspired by 60s and Scandinavian design, are charmingly colourful and bold and are the perfect statement piece for any home.

About Jane Foster and Keith Brymer Jones's Make International Partnership

In 2011, Jane Foster first met Make International when she bought some of their mugs on the internet. Keith Brymer Jones, who is the head of design for Make International noticed that the package was addressed to Jane Foster Designs, and was intrigued enough to look up what she did. The idea was approached that maybe there could be some form of collaboration. After a number of years of talking the idea over a collaboration took place, and a set of Jane Foster mugs, the lion, cat, fox and panda, came into the market. Over the year the partnership between Jane Foster and Keith Brymer Jones flourished and more than 40 new products spurned from the partners. If you require information on any more of the Jane Foster Mugs, Cups or Glasses, or we are not stocking anything you require please email us on help@hypedesignlondon.co.uk and we'll try to help 

Jane Foster Tea Towel - Scandi Linea - Chicken | Hype Design London
Jane Foster Tea Towel - Scandi Linea - Chicken
£13.97Sold out
Jane Foster Tea Towel - Zodiac | Hype Design London
Jane Foster Tea Towel - Zodiac
£13.97Sold out

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